February 2025 Setup


Rifle: Loaded with 10 rounds, in two hands with action closed on an empty chamber and hammer down.
Shotgun: Open and empty, staged safely with 2+ rounds on person.
Pistols: Loaded with 5 rounds each, holstered with hammer down on an
empty chamber.

Shooter is standing behind Table 1 with rifle in two hands. Shooter starts with rifle. Order of shotgun and pistols is shooter’s choice.  Shooter is standing behind table of choice with hands relaxed at sides.


Shooter signifies ready by saying the line:                            

“I’ll have the blue plate special!”


At the beep, engage the plate rack from Table 1 from either direction. You can take up to 10 shots to knock the 5 plates down.
After the 5 plates are down, dump any remaining rounds on either static target (R1 or R2). A plate left standing or a miss on a static target counts as a miss. (Example: PL1, Miss, PL2, PL3, Miss, PL4, PL5, R2-R2-R2.) Make rifle safe.


Retrieve the shotgun. Engage the 2 shotgun targets from Table 2 in any order until down. Make shotgun safe.


Draw pistols in accordance with your category and engage all the Tombstone targets (including the Make-up target) from Table 2 with a double-tap sweep from either direction. (Example: P1-P1, P2-P2, Make-Up, Make-Up, P3-P3, P4-P4.) Holster empty pistols.


When finished shooting, retrieve guns and proceed to the unloading table.

  STAGE 2 – 

Rifle:Loaded with NINE (9) rounds, staged on Table 1 with action closed on an empty chamber and hammer down.
Shotgun:Open and empty, staged safely with 2+ rounds on person.
Pistols:Loaded with 5 rounds each, holstered with hammer down on an empty chamber.
Start:Shooter is standing behind Table 1 with fingers touching hat. Shooter starts with rifle. Order of shotgun and pistols is shooter’s choice.
Shooter signifies ready by saying the line:
Rack ‘em up!
Retrieve the rifle and engage the rifle targets from Table 1 by double-tapping one static target (R1 or R2) THEN engaging each of the plates on the rack with one round THEN double-tapping the other static target (R2 or R1). (Example: R1-R1, PL1, PL2, PL3, PL4, PL5, R2-R2.) Make rifle safe.
Shotgun:Retrieve the shotgun. Engage the 2 shotgun targets from Table 2 in any order until down. THEN, any rifle plates left standing can be made up with shotgun hits on the Make-Up target. Misses on R1 or R2 are misses and cannot be made up. Make shotgun safe.
Pistols:Draw pistols in accordance with your category and engage the pistol targets from Table 2 with a 3-2-2-3 sweep from either
direction. (Example: P1-P1-P1, P2-P2, P3-P3, P4-P4-P4.) Holster empty pistols.
When finished shooting, retrieve guns and proceed to the unloading table.


 STAGE 3 – 

Rifle: Loaded with 10 rounds, staged on Table 1 with action closed on an empty chamber and hammer down.
Shotgun: Open and empty, staged safely with 2+ rounds on person.
Pistols: Loaded with 5 rounds each, holstered with hammer down on an empty chamber.

Shooter is standing behind Table 1 with hands relaxed at sides.  Shooter starts with rifle. Order of shotgun and pistols is shooter’s

  Shooter signifies ready by saying the line:
                      “Knock ‘em down!”

At the beep retrieve the rifle and engage the rifle targets from Table 1 by alternating between the plate rack and the static
targets (R1 and/or R2) for 10 rounds, starting with either a plate or static target. (Example: PL1-R1, PL2-R2, PL3-R2, PL4-R2, PL5-R2.) Make rifle safe.


Retrieve the shotgun. Engage the 2 shotgun targets from Table 2 in any order until down. THEN, any rifle plates left standing can be made up with shotgun hits on the Make-Up target. Misses on R1 or R2 are misses and cannot be made up. Make shotgun safe.


Draw pistols in accordance with your category and engage the pistol targets from Table 2 with a Lawrence Welk sweep from
either direction. (Example: P1, P2-P2, P3-P3-P3, P4-P4-P4-P4.) Holster empty pistols.


  When finished shooting, retrieve guns and proceed to the unloading table.

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STAGE 4 – 

Rifle: Loaded with 10 rounds, staged on Table 1 with action closed on an empty chamber and hammer down
Shotgun: Open and empty, staged on Table 1 with 4+ rounds on person.
Pistols: Loaded with 5 rounds each, holstered with hammer down on an empty chamber

Shooter is standing behind Table 1 with hands at low surrender. Gun order is rifle, shotgun, then pistols.

  Shooter signifies ready by saying the line:
                      “No! I don’t surrender!

At the beep, starting on any corner target, engage the corner rifle targets in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction for 9 rounds, THEN engage the center target with the 10th round. (Example: R1, R2, R3, R4, R1, R2, R3, R4, R1, R5.) Make rifle safe.


Retrieve the shotgun. From Table 1, engage shotgun targets S1 and S2 until down in any order. Move to Table 2 and engage
shotgun targets S3 and S4 until down in any order. Make shotgun safe.


Draw pistols in accordance with your category, starting on any corner target, engage the corner pistol targets in either a
clockwise or counterclockwise direction for 9 rounds, THEN engage the center target with the 10th round. (Example: P1, P2,
P3, P4, P1, P2, P3, P4, P1, P5.) Holster empty pistols.


  When finished shooting, retrieve guns and proceed to the unloading table.

STAGE 5 – 

Rifle: Loaded with 10 rounds staged on Table 1 with action closed on an empty chamber and hammer down.
Shotgun: Open and empty, staged on Table 1 with 4+ rounds on person.
Pistols: Loaded with 5 rounds each, holstered with hammer down on an empty chamber.

Shooter is standing behind Table 1 with hands on hips. Gun order is rifle, shotgun, then pistols.

Shooter signifies ready by saying the line:   

                            “I warned ya!”


At the beep, engage the rifle targets with a 2-1-2 sweep across one diagonal then the other, tracing an “X” across the targets, starting on any corner target. Each sweep can be top down or bottom up. (Example: R1-R1, R5, R3-R3, R4-R4, R5, R2-R2.) Make rifle safe


Retrieve the shotgun. From Table 1, engage shotgun targets S1 and S2 until down in any order. Move to Table 2 and engage
shotgun targets S3 and S4 until down in any order. Make shotgun safe.


Draw pistols in accordance with your category and engage the pistol targets with a 2-1-2 sweep across one diagonal then the
other, tracing an “X” across the targets, starting on any corner target. Each sweep can be top down or bottom up. (Example: P1- P1, P5, P3-P3, P4-P4, P5, P2-P2.) Holster empty pistols.

  When finished shooting, retrieve guns and proceed to the unloading table.


Rifle: Loaded with 10 rounds staged on Table 1 with action closed on an empty chamber and hammer down.
Shotgun: Open and empty, staged on Table 1 with 4+ rounds on person.
Pistols: Loaded with 5 rounds each, holstered with hammer down on an empty chamber.

Shooter is standing behind Table 1 with hands poised over rifle. Gun order is rifle, shotgun, then pistols.

  Shooter signifies ready by saying the line:
                                              “I’m gonna finish this fight right now!”

At the beep, engage the rifle targets with a Nevada sweep across the top three targets AND a Nevada sweep across the bottom
three targets, starting on any corner target, each sweep in either direction. (Example: R1-R5-R2-R5-R1, R4-R5-R3-R5-R4.) Make rifle safe.


Retrieve the shotgun. From Table 1, engage shotgun targets S1 and S2 until down in any order. Move to Table 2 and engage
shotgun targets S3 and S4 until down in any order. Make shotgun safe.


Draw pistols in accordance with your category and engage the pistol targets with a Nevada sweep across the top three targets
AND a Nevada sweep across the bottom three targets, starting on any corner target, each sweep in either direction. (Example: P1- P5-P2-P5-P1, P4-P5-P3-P5-P4.) Holster empty pistols.

  When finished shooting, retrieve guns and proceed to the unloading table.