Rifle: | Loaded with 10 rounds, in two hands with action closed on an empty chamber and hammer down. |
Shotgun: | Open and empty, staged safely with 2+ rounds on person. |
Pistols: | Loaded with 5 rounds each, holstered with hammer down on an empty chamber. |
Start: |
Shooter is standing behind Table 1 with rifle in two hands. Shooter starts with rifle. Order of shotgun and pistols is shooter’s choice. Shooter is standing behind table of choice with hands relaxed at sides. |
Shooter signifies ready by saying the line: “I’ll have the blue plate special!” |
Rifle: |
At the beep, engage the plate rack from Table 1 from either direction. You can take up to 10 shots to knock the 5 plates down. |
Shotgun: |
Retrieve the shotgun. Engage the 2 shotgun targets from Table 2 in any order until down. Make shotgun safe. |
Pistols: |
Draw pistols in accordance with your category and engage all the Tombstone targets (including the Make-up target) from Table 2 with a double-tap sweep from either direction. (Example: P1-P1, P2-P2, Make-Up, Make-Up, P3-P3, P4-P4.) Holster empty pistols. |
When finished shooting, retrieve guns and proceed to the unloading table. |
Rifle: | Loaded with NINE (9) rounds, staged on Table 1 with action closed on an empty chamber and hammer down. |
Shotgun: | Open and empty, staged safely with 2+ rounds on person. |
Pistols: | Loaded with 5 rounds each, holstered with hammer down on an empty chamber. |
Start: | Shooter is standing behind Table 1 with fingers touching hat. Shooter starts with rifle. Order of shotgun and pistols is shooter’s choice. |
Shooter signifies ready by saying the line: “Rack ‘em up!” | |
Rifle: | Retrieve the rifle and engage the rifle targets from Table 1 by double-tapping one static target (R1 or R2) THEN engaging each of the plates on the rack with one round THEN double-tapping the other static target (R2 or R1). (Example: R1-R1, PL1, PL2, PL3, PL4, PL5, R2-R2.) Make rifle safe. |
Shotgun: | Retrieve the shotgun. Engage the 2 shotgun targets from Table 2 in any order until down. THEN, any rifle plates left standing can be made up with shotgun hits on the Make-Up target. Misses on R1 or R2 are misses and cannot be made up. Make shotgun safe. |
Pistols: | Draw pistols in accordance with your category and engage the pistol targets from Table 2 with a 3-2-2-3 sweep from either direction. (Example: P1-P1-P1, P2-P2, P3-P3, P4-P4-P4.) Holster empty pistols. |
When finished shooting, retrieve guns and proceed to the unloading table. |
Rifle: | Loaded with 10 rounds, staged on Table 1 with action closed on an empty chamber and hammer down. |
Shotgun: | Open and empty, staged safely with 2+ rounds on person. |
Pistols: | Loaded with 5 rounds each, holstered with hammer down on an empty chamber. |
Start: |
Shooter is standing behind Table 1 with hands relaxed at sides. Shooter starts with rifle. Order of shotgun and pistols is shooter’s |
Shooter signifies ready by saying the line: “Knock ‘em down!” |
Rifle: |
At the beep retrieve the rifle and engage the rifle targets from Table 1 by alternating between the plate rack and the static |
Shotgun: |
Retrieve the shotgun. Engage the 2 shotgun targets from Table 2 in any order until down. THEN, any rifle plates left standing can be made up with shotgun hits on the Make-Up target. Misses on R1 or R2 are misses and cannot be made up. Make shotgun safe. |
Pistols: |
Draw pistols in accordance with your category and engage the pistol targets from Table 2 with a Lawrence Welk sweep from |
When finished shooting, retrieve guns and proceed to the unloading table. |
Rifle: | Loaded with 10 rounds, staged on Table 1 with action closed on an empty chamber and hammer down |
Shotgun: | Open and empty, staged on Table 1 with 4+ rounds on person. |
Pistols: | Loaded with 5 rounds each, holstered with hammer down on an empty chamber |
Start: |
Shooter is standing behind Table 1 with hands at low surrender. Gun order is rifle, shotgun, then pistols. |
Shooter signifies ready by saying the line: “No! I don’t surrender!” |
Rifle: |
At the beep, starting on any corner target, engage the corner rifle targets in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction for 9 rounds, THEN engage the center target with the 10th round. (Example: R1, R2, R3, R4, R1, R2, R3, R4, R1, R5.) Make rifle safe. |
Shotgun: |
Retrieve the shotgun. From Table 1, engage shotgun targets S1 and S2 until down in any order. Move to Table 2 and engage |
Pistols: |
Draw pistols in accordance with your category, starting on any corner target, engage the corner pistol targets in either a |
When finished shooting, retrieve guns and proceed to the unloading table. |
Rifle: | Loaded with 10 rounds staged on Table 1 with action closed on an empty chamber and hammer down. |
Shotgun: | Open and empty, staged on Table 1 with 4+ rounds on person. |
Pistols: | Loaded with 5 rounds each, holstered with hammer down on an empty chamber. |
Start: |
Shooter is standing behind Table 1 with hands on hips. Gun order is rifle, shotgun, then pistols. Shooter signifies ready by saying the line: “I warned ya!” |
Rifle: |
At the beep, engage the rifle targets with a 2-1-2 sweep across one diagonal then the other, tracing an “X” across the targets, starting on any corner target. Each sweep can be top down or bottom up. (Example: R1-R1, R5, R3-R3, R4-R4, R5, R2-R2.) Make rifle safe |
Shotgun: |
Retrieve the shotgun. From Table 1, engage shotgun targets S1 and S2 until down in any order. Move to Table 2 and engage |
Pistols: |
Draw pistols in accordance with your category and engage the pistol targets with a 2-1-2 sweep across one diagonal then the |
When finished shooting, retrieve guns and proceed to the unloading table. |
Rifle: | Loaded with 10 rounds staged on Table 1 with action closed on an empty chamber and hammer down. |
Shotgun: | Open and empty, staged on Table 1 with 4+ rounds on person. |
Pistols: | Loaded with 5 rounds each, holstered with hammer down on an empty chamber. |
Start: |
Shooter is standing behind Table 1 with hands poised over rifle. Gun order is rifle, shotgun, then pistols. |
Shooter signifies ready by saying the line: “I’m gonna finish this fight right now!” |
Rifle: |
At the beep, engage the rifle targets with a Nevada sweep across the top three targets AND a Nevada sweep across the bottom |
Shotgun: |
Retrieve the shotgun. From Table 1, engage shotgun targets S1 and S2 until down in any order. Move to Table 2 and engage |
Pistols: |
Draw pistols in accordance with your category and engage the pistol targets with a Nevada sweep across the top three targets |
When finished shooting, retrieve guns and proceed to the unloading table. |