There was a good turn out for the March match – 21 Desperados signed up and 18 showed up. The sun was shining, the winds picked up and blew a few cowboy hats down range. The Desperados did send a hail of lead downrange. So much so that one shotgun knockdown took a fatal hit and then J. B. Corn rendered the kill shot on the next to the last of the tombstone knockdowns. Cap and Ball Turmoil said he would take them home to repair/weld them.

Second Place: Dead Meat
Third Place: Eeyore

Thanks to all who helped set up and tear down after the match. After the match we had one visitor but he slithered off when he saw there was nothing going on. He was about 1-1 1/2 foot long.

After the match a few Desperados broke bread at Fillippi’s.