19 stalwart cowboys and cowgirls turned out on a cool but yet pleasant Saturday morning to attend November’s match. Welcome back to Jus Paul and Clay Alexander, we hope to see more of you.
There were two Clean Match shooters:
We also had a Turkey Shoot after the match. It was one rifle shot at a small target out on the berm. It proved to be easily hit by quite a few of those who participated. Those who hit the target had a ticket placed in a container while those who missed had their ticket placed in another container. After all had their chance, we drew from the container with the hits for a winner and then we drew from the missed container for the consolation prize.
J. B. Corn took home a $25 Von’s gift card as the winner of the Turkey Shoot and Willy B. received a $5 Von’s gift card as a consolation prize.
Extending a big THANK YOU to all those who helped set up and tear down of the scenarios. Thanks to J. B. Corn for the scenarios.