Howdy Desperados
It was a very good turnout for November’s match. 18 shooters showed up and huddled together to try to keep warm on a chilly day. We welcomed Two Barrel Rogers, a Buckaroo, for coming to his first match with us.
There were no CLEAN MATCH shooters. I wonder why?

The top three shooters were:
First Place Gunrunner Pete
Second Place Anchor Clanker
Third Place Sunset LaRue

Top Lady shooter was Misty Rose
After the last scenario was completed, we had a Turkey Shoot. Out on the berm, was a small circle target with a turkey painted on it. The posse was polled and no one wanted to shoot the turkey with a pistol, so it was one shot with the rifle. A hit got a ticket in the hit container and a miss got a ticket in the miss container. G-Money started the Turkey Shoot off with a hit which put the rest of the posse on notice. At the end there were 5 individuals who had hit the target. A ticket was drawn from hit container and the winner was Gunrunner Pete. He received a $25 gift card to Von’s in lieu of an actual Turkey. Then a ticket was drawn from the miss container and the winner of the consolation prize was Cap ‘n Ball Turmoil who received a $10 gift certificate from Von’s.
A big THANK YOU to those who helped set up and tear downs the scenarios especially since J. B. Corn could not be with us for this match. We can’t have a match without your help.
Hope to see you there for the next match